Geometry. Grades 7-9. Syllabus for the textbook by L.S. Atanasian
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The manual presents work programs on geometry for grades 7-9, developed in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements of an exemplary educational program of basic general education, oriented to work on the textbook LS. Atanasyan, V.F. Bucosov, S.B. Kadomtseva, E.G. Poznyaka, I.I. Yudina (M.: Enlightenment, 2015).
The system of lessons and pedagogical agents are identified, the activities are designated, personal, meta-delta and subject results and the level of learning the key competencies are predicted, and the form of control form.
Designed to managers of methodological associations, teachers of mathematics
The system of lessons and pedagogical agents are identified, the activities are designated, personal, meta-delta and subject results and the level of learning the key competencies are predicted, and the form of control form.
Designed to managers of methodological associations, teachers of mathematics