
The magic rituals of witches. Sacred techniques for increasing your mental force

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Author:Brugsh E.
Category:Science Fiction and FantasyChiromantia & Esoteric & Numerology
Dimensions: 170x15x240cm

The book of a modern practitioner witch and a witch is the development of a strategic approach in esoteric and magical rituals that give the fastest and most effective results in solving individual and family problems. It will allow you to create a ritual and perform it so that you can do everything you wish in your life. Such rituals are essentially more strength than any easily pronounced mantras. You will know the ingredients, understand the sequence before performing the ritual, and you will be sure that you will get the desired results.
The book will be useful to both dedicated to magicians and occultists, and those who are interested in modern esoteric practice and solving human problems. The described rituals are applicable in everyday life

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