
Everything I didn't say

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Author:Ing S.
Dimensions: 2x13x20cm
Lydia is dead. But they don't know it yet. On May 3, 1977, half past six in the morning, no one knows anything except the most innocent fact: Lydia is late for breakfast... Thus begins (and ends) the story of another Laura Palmer - a family story of false hopes and silence. Marilyn - an ambitious girl from the American South, dreams of becoming a doctor in a time when women are expected to lean towards homemaking rather than a professional career, dreams of being special in a world where her role is predetermined. James - a descendant of Chinese immigrants who came to the USA semi-legally, has always been special by birth, dreams of being like everyone else, blending in with the surroundings, no longer standing out. These two love each other, see reflections of their dreams in each other. But dreams dissipate, life takes its course, and therefore the parents appoint their eldest daughter responsible for fulfilling the unfulfilled. Out of the best intentions, of course. Both hope that their daughter will achieve what they did not: the mother wishes her professional realization and recognition, the father - love and popularity among peers. The little girl becomes the center of the family universe. Her older brother and younger sister fade into the background - the parents love them, but do not see them, because all their hopes are focused on Lydia. And the little traumatized girl Lydia day by day tries her best to fulfill the unfulfilled parental plans - because little children love their parents, cannot not love them, want their parents to be happy, cannot say 'no' to them. Lydia diligently studies physics and biology, having no interest in natural sciences, because her mother never became a doctor, but dreams of her daughter becoming one. Lydia goes to dances and movies alone, pretending to have fun with friends, because her father never had any friends, but dreams of his daughter being the life of the party. However, over time, the little girl grows into an irritated teenager and begins to vaguely realize that perhaps it's time to understand what she wants herself, and that one cannot sacrifice their life for their parents' castles in the air. Family relationships - quite isolated by any standards and generally strange in conditions where the ban on interracial marriages was recognized as unlawful just ten years ago - are built on silence. Inside everyone, anger, powerlessness, fear, and despair quietly smolder, but no one tells anyone anything. Silence is also a lie, even if it is intended for salvation. Two adults and three children day by day keep silent about important things. Parents replace reality with fantasies, pass off the desired as real. Children grit their teeth and play along silently. Understanding without words is sometimes possible, but too fragile. And when the girl, tormented by the necessity of lying and saying 'yes' for years when she wants to scream 'no', decides to break free from this cage, what happens happens. "Everything I Never Told You" is a story of lying for salvation that never stops being a lie. About how traumatized parents inadvertently traumatize children. About what parents are capable of doing to their children out of love and the best intentions. And finally, that sometimes silence kills.
Author:Ing S.
  • Category:Fiction
Dimensions:20.5x13.5x2.3 cm

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