English language. Grades 10-11. Practice workbook for preparing for section 4 of the Unified State Exam (personal letter and essay)
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The proposed manual is designed for step-by-step systematic preparation for completing open-ended tasks (section 4) on the Unified State Exam (USE) in English. The edition in the form of a training workbook will allow to automate the skills of students in the field of written speech and learn to successfully complete tasks of section 4 - personal letter and essay - according to a certain algorithm, allowing to obtain the highest possible score on the exam. The book contains 20 lessons, each of which includes tasks for writing a personal letter and an essay. For all lessons, assessment tables are offered, compiled in accordance with the criteria of the demonstration version of the USE. The thematic scope of the tasks covers all questions and problems presented in the Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates for the USE. In addition to the tasks themselves, the lessons include additional material (a bank of arguments, necessary phrases for use in one context or another, quotes, proverbs, etc.), which will help expand students' knowledge about the elements of written speech. For writing essays, models of written statements are offered, including an approximate division into paragraphs and linking words. The training workbook is addressed to students of grades 10-11, preparing for the USE in English, for independent work and preparation under the guidance of a teacher in class and in extracurricular time.