Tempts of lack of freedom. Intellectuals during the tests
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During the tests, intellectuals, like all people, are faced with a difficult choice. In the 20th century, many of them-someone for opportunistic and career considerations, someone due to criminal delusions-went to the camp of fascists or communists. Few opposed the temptations of lack of freedom. Was there something that was missing others in them? By making this question the starting point of his study, Ralph Darendorf creates a portrait of a whole generation of intellectuals. On the pages of his book, Karl Popper, Isaiah Berlin, R. Aron and N. Bobbio, H. Arenidt, T. c. Adorno and D. Orwell, as well as M. Heidegger, E. Junier, J.-P. Sartre, M. Shperbert, A. Koustler and others. Ralph Darendorf (1929–2009) - sociologist and philosopher, politician, director of the London School of Economics in 1974-1984