English grammar. Verification work. Grade 2. To the textbook I.N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T.A
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This manual is a fourth part of the training kit consisting of four books: a grammar of English. Collection of exercises. Part I, Grammar of English. Collection of exercises. Part II, Grammar of English. A book for parents, a grammar of English. Verification work. The allowance includes verification tasks to control the assimilation of grammatical material of the class II. Each work has four options. At home, students are preparing for verification work, looking at all four options. In the lesson, the teacher reports which option should be done. Students perform tasks, cut out the page from the book and hand it over for verification. We deliberately did not give the keys to the tasks. Those who systematically did exercises from the collection, perform the proposed work will not be difficult. If difficulties arise at home in preparation, then parents will be able to help children. To do this, next to each task, the number of the corresponding paragraph of the book for parents is indicated. Verification work can be used for didactic purposes. For students of schools with an in -depth study of English, lyceums and gymnasiums, learning the language on the textbook "English. Grade 2 " / I.N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T.A. Pritykin. - M.: Education. Lessons corresponding to a textbook with a green cover are indicated in brackets