
Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects. Issue 39. Smetushka-sopochit

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Category:Medical BooksEsoteric, Folklore & Myth
Dimensions: 145x25x215cm

The dictionary records all the lexical wealth of Russian people"s speech with the entire set of words and the features of their use on the basis of a card file, which presents materials from the beginning of the XIX century. to the present day. The dictionary is an important link in the system of historical and modern dictionaries of the Russian language.
It records the lexical and phraseological wealth of Russian people"s speech with the entire combination of words and phraseological combinations, show the features of their use in Russian dialects of the XIX-XX centuries. It is based on direct observations of living folk speech, works of oral folk creativity, works on ethnography, cultural history. The dictionary makes it possible not only to present the huge wealth of dialectic vocabulary, but also see how it is common in the territory of the Russian language, what is its change and development over the course of two centuries.
At the end of August 2006, 39 issues of the dictionary with the letter "A" were out to the letter "C". Issue 39 - "Speat-settlement".

For lingules, historians, folklorists, ethnographers, specialists of other disciplines, for all who love and appreciate their native word
  • Category:Medical Books
  • Category:Esoteric, Folklore & Myth
Series: Dictionary of Russian Folk Govorov

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