Diagnostics of the pedagogical process in the second junior group (from 3 to 4 years) of the pre-school educational organization
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The manual contains a diagnostic material structured to the table aimed at assessing the quality of the pedagogical process in the second younger group of preschool educational organization of any orientation (general-developing, compensating, combined) The proposed estimated parameters for this age are generally accepted in psychological and pedagogical studies and are subject to statistical processing. Filled tables allow you to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the development of a particular child and determine the general group development trend of children 3-4 years, which is regulated by paragraph 3.2.2 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise BC (Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 of the year).
The manual is addressed to the head, methodologists and teachers of pre-school educational institutions of the general weselves and compensating orientation. It may be interesting to parents raising a child for 3-4 years old, as well as students of psychological and pedagogical specialties
The manual is addressed to the head, methodologists and teachers of pre-school educational institutions of the general weselves and compensating orientation. It may be interesting to parents raising a child for 3-4 years old, as well as students of psychological and pedagogical specialties
Author:Vereshchagin N.
- Category:Education & Teaching
- Category:Reference books
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