
Butterfly garden

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Author:Hatchson Dot
Category:FictionDetective BooksPoetry & Literature
Dimensions: 130x20x200cm

Special group of the FBI "covers" a mansion with a luxurious garden well covered from prying eyes. Outlandish flowers, shady trees, lap lays, a cave and a waterfall - all this seems to be a paradise. But for its inhabitants - two dozen girls with butterflies tattooed on their backs - this garden has turned into a real hell. Charming inhabitants settled here not of their own free will - they were abducted and brought here by a man whom all his victims know only under the name of the gardener. And he is free to dispose of the lives of his "butterflies", as he wants: beauty, according to the gardener, is short -lived, and therefore not one of the girls becomes older than twenty -one years. But even after death, every "butterfly" remained the property of its kidnapper and tormentor. He enclosed the bodies of dead girls into special glass vessels and poured them with transparent resin - so that one could completely see the pattern of wings on his back. The gardener wanted to possess the beauty of his slaves even after their death. However, the FBI agents still do not have enough information to restore the completeness of the maniac crimes. They try to talk one of the surviving "butterflies" named Mayan. But it turns out to be a strong nut, and the success of the whole thing will depend on how much the agents can achieve mutual understanding with her.

For fans of the action -packed thriller, when the psychological stress throughout the narrative remains at the maximum. Behind the laconic external form - the novel is built in the form of an interrogation of the victim of the kidnapper - pain and fear, despair and hatred of kidnapped girls are revealed, forcing the reader to experience genuine strong emotions
Author:Hatchson Dot
  • Category:Fiction
  • Category:Detective Books
  • Category:Poetry & Literature
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:16+

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