The methodological manual presents a cycle of 32 integrated classes for working with children of junior and middle preschool age, covering all cognitive and educational areas in four development areas: physical, socio-personal, informative-speech, artistic and aesthetic. In educational activities with children, in developing fabulous therapy, a variety of children"s activities are combined: gaming, motor, productive, educational and research, communicative, musical and artistic, labor and, as a special type of children"s activity, the perception of fiction.
When performing a variety of tasks, game exercises, trainings, children as much as possible activate their potential opportunities, develop creative non-standard thinking.
Edition addressed to teachers of preschool institutions, goverrs and parents, as well as all interested pre-school pedagogy
Author:Goyag Nadezhda Vasilyevna
- Category:Education & Teaching
- Category:Hobbies & Collectibles
Series: Developing Training