Conducting in the personnel service. Teaching and practical guide
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The issues of conducting office work in the personnel service are considered. The procedure for organizing personnel office work, the main details of documents and the procedure for their design, the regulatory framework of the maintenance of personnel paperwork, the types and structure of personnel document management. The nomenclature of the personnel management service with an example of its design is presented in detail. Significant attention was paid to the types and procedure for registration of organizational and legal and reference documentation for personnel, for each document the composition of the mandatory details is indicated, examples of their correct execution are given. The procedure for unifying forms of personnel documents, the procedure for organizing work with personal data of employees is also given, the employer"s responsibility for violation of the procedure for personnel office work was considered. A review of modern automated information technologies and packages of applied programs used in the management of the personnel of organizations is given.
Recommended by the Council of UMO in education in the field of management as a training manual for students of higher educational institutions students in the specialties Human Resources Management and Organization Management
Recommended by the Council of UMO in education in the field of management as a training manual for students of higher educational institutions students in the specialties Human Resources Management and Organization Management