Colostrum, 60 tablets
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Colostrum (first milk) is a powerful and safe means of healing, restoration, and rejuvenation of the body.
Colostrum is a secretion produced by the mammary glands of mammals in the first hours or days of lactation. It significantly differs in its physicochemical properties from milk and contains a wide range of antibodies to the diseases the newborn's mother has had throughout her life.
Feeding colostrum helps in the formation of the newborn's immune system and the development of so-called passive immunity (immunity acquired without contracting the disease).
Medical research has shown that key components of colostrum obtained from dairy cows are identical to key components of human colostrum. However, in terms of the quantity of some active substances, cow colostrum surpasses human colostrum. For example, human colostrum contains only 2% IgG (IgG are immunoglobulins of class G, which enhance phagocytosis and make up 80% of all serum antibodies), while in cow colostrum, it is on average 40 times more.
Colostrum is a multi-component, multifunctional substance containing biologically active substances such as antibiotics, interferon, immunoglobulins, proline-rich polypeptide regulating the immune system, insulin-like hormone, anti-aging factor, cortisone-like substances, growth factor, enzymes, lipids, oligo- and polysaccharides, almost all essential vitamins, macro and microelements, and amino acids.
The healing properties of colostrum have been known to humanity since ancient times: the secret from a cow's udder was collected within the first 48 hours after calving, stored in tightly sealed ceramic vessels for several days. Due to the action of microorganisms, colostrum became highly acidic, curdled, acquired a repulsive odor, and white flakes accumulated on its surface. These flakes were collected and used as a remedy for all diseases.
Modern technology for extracting the active ingredient from cow colostrum is fundamentally similar to the ancient method, but all operations are carried out with strict adherence to the most stringent sanitary and hygiene rules. Colostrum is obtained from specially bred elite cows that are fed only natural feed and kept in natural conditions.
Colostrum is a highly effective natural product based on cow colostrum with pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-tumor activity.
Colostrum has powerful immunomodulatory properties and particularly affects the body in conditions of immunodeficiency and autoimmune conditions. Its immune-regulating properties allow for rejuvenating and regenerative effects on the human body.
The use of colostrum is highly beneficial for the body, performing functions such as restoring the digestive system, renewing brain and liver cells, improving emotional state, normalizing metabolic processes, treating endocrine disorders and autoimmune conditions, healing ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, combating malignant or benign tumors, restoring hair and epithelial structure, and detoxifying the body.
Colostrum is a high concentration of numerous growth factors and immune factors that protect against various diseases.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules per day.
- Category:Medical Books
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