Clara the Crow and the Apple Year
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Do apples have memory? And what can they remember? If a crow is not a male crow, then what do you call a female crow? And what does the word 'still life' mean? With such questions and answers to them, you will encounter on the pages of this book. But don't think that you are reading an informative encyclopedia like 'One Hundred Questions - One Hundred Answers'. It's a funny fairy tale. So funny that sometimes you want to cry. Its characters solve the most important questions of existence and self-determination. They even answer the question - what is a feat. However, not with words. Actually, the word 'feat' is historically related to the words 'to move' and 'movement'. And in our modern reality, a feat very often is simply being true to oneself.
Author:Aromshtam Marina Semenovna
- Category:Fiction
- Category:Self Help & Self Education
Dimensions:22.5x17.5x1.1 cm
Series:Time - Childhood
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