
Secret doctrine. Volume 2. Comlect of 2 books

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Author:Blavatsky Elena Petrovna
Category:Chiromantia & Esoteric & Numerology
Dimensions: 150x75x220cm

This book is a new translation by E.P. Blavatsky, for the first time executed in the text of the publication of the book that saw the light during the life of its author. Without exaggeration, the great work of world culture reveals the veil over the innermost meanings and riddles of our lives, the secrets of the past, the present and future of all mankind. If in volume I was mainly about cosmogenesis, that is, about the formation of the universe, then in the second volume the author’s attention is concentrated mainly on issues of anthropogenesis, that is, the appearance and evolution of mankind on our planet. It discusses in detail the fundamental symbolism used by the great religions and mythologies of the world, discusses a wide range of scientific, religious and philosophical problems, as well as the original interpretation of the largest monuments of the subscription and early written culture of the various peoples of the Earth, which cannot but be of interest to philologists, historians , philosophers, orientalists, as well as the widest circle of readers.
For the first time, the Russian -speaking reader was able to fully get acquainted with the Secret Doctrine - the fundamental work in the field of Theosophy - thanks to the translation of Elena Ivanovna Roerich, another great compatriot. Each seeker of truth both in modern Russia and abroad has every reason to treat the deepest gratitude to all areas of activity of E.I. Roerich and, in particular, to that part of its ascetic work, which is associated with the translations of fundamental theosophical works. Such as the “Secret Doctrine” by E.P. Blanavatsky and “Letters of Mahatm A.P. Sinnett”. However, as any theosofu is known well, everything in the world develops cyclically, experiencing a period of infancy, maturity and, alas, inevitable old age. The world must develop and move forward. The need for a new translation is obviously rushing, and this is noticeable in a number of signs. Starting the new translation of the “secret doctrine”, the translator sought, the valuance of every thought of EP, to state it in a more modern and generally accepted literary Russian language and make the Russian -speaking text of this difficult and wealth of thoughts of the book at the same time and more readable, and more accurate in meaning. The task was set to make such a translation (as far as it succeeded, to judge the reader) in which Elena Petrovna Blavatsky would speak with the modern reader in today"s language
Author:Blavatsky Elena Petrovna
  • Category:Chiromantia & Esoteric & Numerology

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