From the word to the letter. Part 2
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The manual "from the word to the letter", part 2, is a continuation of the workbook "from the word to the letter", part 1. It introduces children to printed letters. Kids in each lesson learn to do sound analysis of words, distinguish printed letters in texts, make stories, fairy tales, riddles by drawings, write print letters, design letters from their elements. The manual has the following structure: a page located on the left contains a material for the development of phonemic hearing and speech, the "right" page allows children to train in printing letters. Acquaintance with letters occurs according to a certain system. At first, children get acquainted with vowels, then with sonoric sounds and their designations - letters, after that - with paired consonants (ringing and deaf), lastly, with consonants are always hard and with consonants always soft. At the end of the notebook, letters are given, which children paint in the order of their study, and elements of letters for cutting and design. Work on the pages can be organized as follows. Children look at the top, on the page placed on the left, subject drawings. Say words denoting objective drawings. Each sound in words is sequentially distinguished and each circle -sound is painted under the pattern (vowels - red, hard consonants - blue, soft - green) The studied sound is highlighted in a voice. Consider printed letters (large and small) and their elements. Children construct letters from the elements that are available on the last pages of the notebook. Kids cut out the elements of letters and put them in an envelope. They train in the pronunciation of a new sound. Consider the plot drawing, fulfill the task for it. Print the letters and their elements on the page placed on the right. Perform entertaining tasks. Coloring new letters (large and small) in the alphabet located at the end of the notebook. The notebook ends with the texts that adults read. Children find familiar letters in them. The content of each pair of pages is designed for one or two classes