Modern management (classic and applied aspects)

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Author:Maruseva Inna Vladimirovna
Category:Business & Money
The training manual presents the foundations of modern management spiders (management) The book is oriented, first of all, to students and teachers of managerial and economic specialties of universities, as well as those who are not indifferent to their own self -development and quality of work as a head.
The need to update his previous book in this direction of the author, the encouraging i.e. “Management crisis”, noted in many countries, and in Russia - especially. Hence the concept of presentation of the material. It is based on the best international management criteria: 1) the professionalism of the leader, 2) his humanitarianism (care first of his subordinates, and then about himself), 3) his morality, 4) knowledge of the psychology of communication manager, i.e., man, man, person, person. In whose hands - both the result of work and the fate of people who are entrusted to him.
The author’s many years of work and books are based on this manuscript: “Management and marketing (basic management)”: Textbook. accomplish., Griff Meop, Penza, 2007 (in co -author), “Communication management in questions and answers”: Textbook. accompany., M.: Direct-Melia, 2014, Logistics: Textbook. accomplishment, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008, (in co -author), “Diploma Design: Market, PR and advertising. Theory. Prince. 1, Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2015
Author:Maruseva Inna Vladimirovna
  • Category:Business & Money
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian

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