
Corporate finances. Volume 1

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Author:Ross Steven A.
Category:Business & Money
Dimensions: 170x35x240cm

Two-Volume Company Corporate Finance of Ross, Westerfield, Jaffi and Jordan Not Accidential Come out The 11th Edition. This is One of the Most Popular Corporate Finance in the World. Wide Coverage of Topics, Accessible Presentation, The Use of Modern Concepts and the Maximum Proximity to Real Financial Are Far Far A Complete List of the AdvantaGes of This Truly Unique Reference Book. The Book IS Designed Primarily for Professional Financiers and Studying Corporate Finance, But Will Be Interesting To Evese Whose IS RelATED TO ECONOMICS Finances. In the 11th Publication, The Authors Significantly Redesigned the Material, Largely Updating Itslude The Latest Information ABOUT TRETEST TRENDS in Corporate FINANCES.

in the 1st Volume, The Foundations of Corporate Finance Are Consedered. You Will Learn ABOUT THE FINANCIAL Report and Its Connection with The Cash Flow, You Will undance White Analysis is needed and How Investment Deci Get Acquainted with Such Basic Concepts as Clean Value, Risk, Interest Rate, Cost and Capital Assessment, etc. Corporate FinANCES & MDASHL, this is A SINGLE COMPLEX MECHANISM AIMED ACHIEVING THE ULTMATE GOAL of the Corporation: Maximization of Profit.

in the first volume:
Introduction to Corporate Finance
Financial Statements and Cash Flows
Analysis of Financial Statements and Financial Models Assessment of Cash Flows < Br /> Investment Decisions: Pure Value and Other Rules
Making Investment Decisions
Risk Analysis, Real Options and Budgetment
Intereth Valuation
Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment and Assessment Revenue
The Price Model of the Capital Market
an alternate of risk and profitability.
Theory of arbitration printing

risk, The Cost of Capital and Business Assessment This book for events to undersostand below the economy works!

STEPHEN A. ROSS HOLDS THE POFESITSOR of Financial Economics in the Business School Named Slow Slowwn at? Echnological Institute. Being One of the Most Widel Publined Authors of Materials on Finance and Economics, Professor Ross Enjoys a Wide Recognition for a Significant Contribution to these Disciplines, M Ade by HIS Research, In Addition to Other Topics, In the Study of Issues of Signals On the Financial Condition of the Company on the Basis of Its Debt Obligations, Into theory of Agency Agreements, The Pricing of Options and the Theory of the Temporary STRUCTURAI ST RATES. In the past, the President of the American Financial Association, Now He Acts ASSISTANTITOR IN SEVERAL Scientific and Applied Journals, and IS ALSO AMBERA The California Technological Institute.

Randolf W. Westerfield is Anhorery Dean of the Business School Named After Gordon Marshall at the University of South California and Honorary Professor of Finance. Professor Westerfield Switched to the University of South California from the Worthon Business School (Pennnsylvania University), Where Headed the Department of Finance And Tau GHT at the Faculty of Finance for 20 Years. He is a Member of the Council of Trustees of Mutual Investment Funds Tree Capital Mutual Funds. The Area of ​​Its Professional Intersts Includes a Corporate Financial Policy, Investment Management and Securities of Securities in the Stock Market.

Jeffrey F. Jaffi is the author of many articles in magazines such as Quarterly Economic Journal, The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Financial and Quantitate Analysis, The Journal of Financial E Conomics and The Financial Analysts Journal. The Area of ​​His Professional Interests Includes Inter Trade Operations with Securities. He Managed, In Particular, To Show That Corporate Recedes Receive Superproprofits from Their Trade Operations with Securities and That Regulation The Size of Th, Super -Super -Super -Super Rofits Little. In Addition, He Made a Significant Contribution to Such Areas of Finance As the Initial Placement of Shares in the Stock Market, Regulation in the Field of Utilities, The Behavir Of Participants in the Financial Market, Fluctions in Gold Prices, Theoretical Influence of Inflation Onterest Rats, The Empirical Effect of Inflation On Capital Assets Price, The Relationship Between Shaares with Small Capitalization and the “January Effect”, as well as as as as as as as as a Ion On the Structure of Capital.

Bradford D. Jordan Is a Professor of Finance and the Honary Head of the Department of Finance at the University of Kentucy. The LONG -standing Area of ​​HIS Interests is the Applical Issues of Corporate Finance and Financial Management. Professor Jordan Publined Many Articles on Issues Such as the Cost of Capital, The Structure of Capital and the Behavior of Shares. He is the Former President of the South Financial Association and the Co-Author of the Book Fundamentals of Investments: Valving and Management, 7th Ed., One of the Investment Works, Also Publined by McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
11th Edition
Author:Ross Steven A.
  • Category:Business & Money

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