Biology. 6th grade. Work program and technological maps of lessons according to the textbook by T.S. Sukhova, V.I. Stroganov
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The manual presents a working program and technological maps of biology lessons for grade 6, developed in accordance with the main provisions of the GOS LLC and the work-oriented on the textbook. Sukhova, V.I. Stroganova (M.: Ventana Graf, 2015).
The program contains a detailed calendar-thematic planning of the system of lessons. In technological maps of lessons, subject and personal results, meta-subheaded URU, are formulated, pedagogical objectives are formulated, traditional and innovative forms of activity contributing to the development of cognitive activity, communicative skills, allowing to carry out regulatory and evaluation functions, to find ways to solve educational and practical tasks.
Designed to teachers of biology and managers of substantive methodical associations of the OO, recommended students of pedagogical universities
The program contains a detailed calendar-thematic planning of the system of lessons. In technological maps of lessons, subject and personal results, meta-subheaded URU, are formulated, pedagogical objectives are formulated, traditional and innovative forms of activity contributing to the development of cognitive activity, communicative skills, allowing to carry out regulatory and evaluation functions, to find ways to solve educational and practical tasks.
Designed to teachers of biology and managers of substantive methodical associations of the OO, recommended students of pedagogical universities