
Technology. Grade 5. Organization of work on the subject. UMK A. Tishchenko, N. Sinitsa, V. Simonenko (CD)

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Category:Audio & Video coursesCartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions: 130x15x200cm

The educational and methodological complex is the basis of well -organized and effective learning. The proposed electronic manual contains materials to help the teacher, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the LLC and include:
- educational and methodological and reference documentation that allows the teacher to organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of new standards,
- Work programs on technology oriented to work on textbooks by N.V. Sinitsa, V. D. Simonenko "Technology. House management technologies (M., 2014) and A. T. Tishchenko, V. D. Simonenko "Technology. Industrial technologies" (M., 2014),
- Extracurricular activities of the general intellectual and general cultural orientation.
The manual is aimed at the formation of the teacher’s creative approach to the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students. The teacher can choose for himself an option from the work programs presented in the disk according to the lesson and extracurricular activities or to independently draw up the program using the proposed algorithm.
The disk will be interesting not only to teachers of technology, but also to the deputies of the director for educational and scientific and methodological work, the heads of methodological associations, as well as students of pedagogical universities.
Minimum requirements:
Pentium-II processor
Memory 256 MB RAM
Disco 24 CD-ROM
Windows XP/Vista/7
100 MB free space on the hard drive
  • Category:Audio & Video courses
  • Category:Cartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions:20x13x1.5 cm
Series: for teachers/secondary school

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