
Hinduism (CDPC)

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Category:Audio & Video coursesCartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions: 130x15x190cm

There are more than 1800 images on the disk - the famous temple ensembles, works of classical Indian painting, architecture and sculpture. The collection introduces the daily life of the Indians - representatives of various classes, castes and professions. Here are presented previously not published photos from the archives of S.I. Ryzhakova and other authors created during the 1980-2000s, as well as engravings and paintings of European artists of the 18-20 centuries. 3000 pages of the text are an extensive anthology that combines both little -known texts about India and Hinduism, as well as scientific research, which made up the gold fund of modern indology. The publication is supplemented by cards, a dictionary of terms and other applications.
Sisteman requirements: IBM PC 486 and higher, 16 MB RAM, CD-ROM, SVGA, Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XT/2000.
  • Category:Audio & Video courses
  • Category:Cartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions:19x13x1.5 cm

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