
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

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Category:Audio & Video coursesCartoons & Multimedia & 3D

The disk contains the famous work of the largest ethnographer and lexicographer V.I. Dala. The dictionary gives not only information about the language, but also ethnographic information about folk life, beliefs, signs. To facilitate use and search, all articles are transferred to a modern alphabet and given in compliance with the spelling of the modern Russian language. The disk contains 45,000 vocabulary articles, over 215,000 words. In addition to the explanatory dictionary on the disk are two important works of Dahl - proverbs of the Russian people in 2 volumes, and about beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people, which complement and illustrate the text of the explanatory dictionary
System requirements: Pentium 166 MHZ, 32 MB RAM, 4-X CD-RONM, Sound map, SVGA, Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/7
  • Category:Audio & Video courses
  • Category:Cartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions:14x12x0 cm
Series: Encyclopedias

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