CDMP3 haze. Cowboy horse

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Category:Audio & Video coursesCartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions: 145x12x125cm
The story of an American writer, artist and cowboy Willy James tells the story of the life of a proud and freedom -loving horse nicknamed Dymk.
A story about the touching friendship of a person and horse, about kindness and patience, love and devotion will certainly be liked not only by young listeners, but also by all lovers of an audiobook about animals.
... The haze was born in the steppes of the Wild West, in the herd of wild horses, and grew up a real thunderstorm of the prairies. Only the cowboy Clint managed to pacify and travel around this obstinate horse, tame his wild heart and make a harsh horse with his friend.
Duration: 417 min
  • Category:Audio & Video courses
  • Category:Cartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions:12.5x14.5x1.2 cm
Series: Children's literature

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