
6CD History of Russian life

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Category:Audio & Video coursesCartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions: 130x10x190cm

"Everyday life of the Russian people 10-21 centuries." Yu.S. Ryabtsev (4 CD).
The electronic textbook has no analogues in 4 parts dedicated to the life of the Russian people. The material of each disc is divided into 22 paragraphs. After each paragraph, there are questions, tests, tables, riddles, including Interactive. The manual includes thematic quizzes and crosswords. Each disc contains more than 800 images equipped with comments.
"History of Russian life since ancient times" I.E. Zabelin
The vast work of the famous Russian historian of the XIX century I.E. Zabelina: "Doystoric Time of Russia", "History of Russia from beginning to death of Yaroslav I". The researcher of the richest archives of the arms chamber, an archaeologist who made major discoveries during the excavations of the Scythian mounds, is one of the organizers of the historical museum in Moscow, Zabelin writes about the origin of the Slavs and the history of ancient Russia. The works of the scientist, rich in factual material, are a major contribution to the development of the history of material culture, life, archeology.
"Russian rituals and superstitions: unclean, unknown, godmother." S.V. Maximov.
Encyclopedia of the mythological views of the peasants, revealing the depths of folk culture, recreating the poetic world of folk beliefs and legends. The project introduces the reader into the world of the Russian peasantry, where Orthodox and pagan traditions are intertwined.
System requirements: Intel/AMD 550 MHz, 128 MB RAM, CD-ROM, SVGA Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Category:Audio & Video courses
  • Category:Cartoons & Multimedia & 3D
Dimensions:19x13x1 cm

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