
The genealogy book of our family

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Category:Arts & PhotographyHome & Decor

Family family books were created in the old days and was conducted so that people could document their family relations. Over time, with the advent of metric books, the genealogy began to acquire the character of a family archive, relics, rallying all generations of the genus.
And today, such a chronicle can tell about the life of the family for many, many years, will allow children and grandchildren both the historical evidence of the life of the older generation and the spiritual foundations and moral principles of the family.
This album will introduce you to the basic rules for compiling genealogies and genealogical ancients, will teach you how to understand genealogical terms and concepts. It will become a source of knowledge about your kind for many subsequent generations, because it contains not only basic information on how to fix and streamline the related and spiritual ties of representatives of the family, describe their life path, regalia and achievement.
Thanks to him, your fascinating story will be saturated with information, which is more difficult and more difficult every year. For this, the album provides for different opportunities that will create a family tree of the family, convey in the hands of future generations all kinds of family relics and traditions. In it, you can carefully save photos from the family archive, dear postcards, letters, all that memorable events in the history of the family are associated with, whether it be a tram ticket bought on the day of my mother’s dating
  • Category:Arts & Photography
  • Category:Home & Decor
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Series: Pedigree Book
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:0+

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