Speech development. Logopedic folklore. Counting. Cleeping. Teasers. 32 cards
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Here are cards with children"s folklore: counters, jams, teasers, without which it is impossible to imagine children"s games and childish life. In our opinion, this interesting material perfectly complements our speech therapy series to work out difficult for pronunciation of sounds. All basic information necessary for classes is contained in kits with sounds R, L, C, C-3, Ch-sh, zh. If your child does not pronounce any sound, or he manifests it, but still unstable, be sure to use our cards. Even if you have already turned to a speech therapist, this information will be useful to you. The sets contain all the main speech therapy exercises and materials: articulatory gymnastics, purely speakers, poems, tongue twisters, riddles, saturated with words containing difficult sounds, the methodology of conducting classes and tips for parents. Also, as additional material, use our cards with speech therapy proverbs and sayings