
How to help the child grow up. Illustrated guide for parents by transitional age

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Author:Anthrobus Lavern, Robert Winston
Category:Arts & PhotographyBiographies & MemoirsHome & Decor
Dimensions: 200x15x260cm

About the book
This book will help parents understand the physical and psychological changes taking place with children in transition. It contains recommendations from leading specialists in the field of age -related psychology and pedagogy, medicine, sociology, sex education, career guidance. Thanks to the visually presented facts and practical tips, parents will be able to find the right approach to interacting with the child, convey useful information to him, which will make the process of growing up pleasant and safe.

The book is intended for parents, content 18+.

How to work with a book
Parents can study the book on their own, and then decide how to speak on the topics read with the child. Only you are able to understand whether your child is ready to perceive information. Apply this book as a tool for discussing delicate issues, as a guide to understanding your child and modern adolescents or just as an information resource.

The book is divided into chapters dedicated to all physical, emotional and social changes associated with adolescence: the authors write about the health of the spirit and body, about puberty, about the relations of adolescents with others and about school, about social networks and security in Internet, about sexuality.

To illustrate biological changes, diagrams, footnotes and scientific facts are given. Drawings illustrate adolescents and their families, as well as various situations that can happen in life.

In the book you will find colored inserts with additional information and useful practical tips. So, the “Tips for parents" and "What to advise a teenager" give recommendations on how not to be confused by themselves and support the child in specific situations. In the inserts "Caution!" Facts are given that relate to issues of legality and security. In the inserts, it is useful to know "and" destroyers of myths" you will find an interesting reference and applied information.

We hope that this book will help parents better understand their children. On many pages, ways to start conversation, advice on how to listen and hear each other and understand the point of view of another person are offered.

This book is a starting point, but it is impossible to give answers to all questions in it. Each topic offers cross links, since many aspects are closely interconnected. At the end of the book you will find the section "Read more", which lists the sources of additional information and support.

For whom is this book?
For parents of adolescents who want to build trusting and respectful relationships with their teenager, to help pass all the difficulties of transitional age.

About the authors
Robert Winston is a famous scientist engaged in research and popularization of natural sciences. He is also known for his participation in many British television shows. The world recognition was developed in the field of reproductive medicine, due to which dozens of pairs became parents. Professor of natural and social sciences, an honorary professor in the field of scientific research at the Imperial College of London, the lifelong peer of the House of Lords since 1995.

Lavern Anthrophus - consultant on child psychology, teacher -psychologist. Having completed the preparations in the prestigious Tavistov clinic in London, she worked in local authorities and in the National Health Service. Lavern takes part in television and radio programs, publishes articles in print publications. I conducted programs about children on BBC. Writes for the site CBEEBies Grown-UPS.

Teresa Day - has the qualifications of a general practice nurse and in psychiatry. The main part of its professional path is work in the field of the health of adolescents, including researching relationships and sex education (master"s dissertation) Prepares school employees specializing in the field of emotional health and well -being, as well as the psychology of relations between people.

Sonya Livingston - Professor of the Department Communication and Media "of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. The author of 20 books on the possibilities and risks of the Internet for children. The Government of Great Britain, the European Commission and the Council of Europe on the Rights of Children in the Digital Environment, advise. Heads Global Kids Online and Parenting for a Digital Future projects. Founder of the research network EU Kids Online. Cavalier of the Order of the British Empire.

Radha Modgil - doctor of the National Health Service in London. Participates in television and radio programs (for example, The Surgery on BBC Radio 1) Radha is an active participant in the movement for physical and mental well -being, her classes pass creatively and fun and motivate to a healthy lifestyle. She played the role of a medical reporter in The Sex Education Show on Channel 4 and Make My Body Younger on BBC Three. Medical expert in the Woman"s Hour program on the BBC Radio 4, on the channels BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Asian Network, LBC and Newsbeat on Radio 1.

Sarah Pavelvskaya - Doctor of Sciences in the field of career counseling and psychology, has been consulting in this area for more than 20 years. He runs his own agency in this area, works with clients of all ages in schools, colleges, universities and enterprises. He teaches at the courses of career guidance at the master"s level. The author of the book "Guide for the choice of a career".

Karen Rhine - for almost 20 years specializes in the field of sexual education: develops curricula, advises teachers on sexuality, writes books. She collaborated with the Center for Sexual Education, the Department of Education of New York, Girls Inc., the American Psychological Association and Yunfp. Deputy editor of the American Journal of Sexual Education