The reference book explains all the basic theoretical concepts that are necessary when studying the school literature course in high school, preparations for an oral exam and the exam. “The main stages of the development of literature”, “Fundamentals of poem”. The specific examples consider the concepts: content and forms in literature, visual and expressive means of fiction, literary birth and genres, literary directions, poetic meters, rhymes, stanzas, etc.
The guide is intended for senior schoolchildren , graduates and applicants.
The author of the book-Mikhail Borisovich Ladygin-is well known as the teacher and creator of school literature textbooks from 5th to 11th grade, in different years, which were included in the federal list of school textbooks, and numerous publications on The history of domestic and foreign literature
Author:Ladygin Mikhail Borisovich
- Category:Arts & Photography
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Series: a new full guide for preparing for the exam