Acupuncture and apitherapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
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Despite the extensive arsenal of modern drugs and non-drug methods used in the treatment of diseases of the bone-muscular system, the development of new effective and safe means remains an important medical and social problem. One of the possible methods of help in the treatment of patients suffering from degenerative-dystrophic diseases is reflexology (acupuncture).
Reflexotherapy firmly entered the arsenal of modern medicine, gaining more and more popularity among doctors and patients. This is due to its sufficiently high efficiency, harmlessness, practically the lack of complications with the right choice of acupuncture points, efficiency, a wide range of indications in the treatment of adults and children
Reflexotherapy firmly entered the arsenal of modern medicine, gaining more and more popularity among doctors and patients. This is due to its sufficiently high efficiency, harmlessness, practically the lack of complications with the right choice of acupuncture points, efficiency, a wide range of indications in the treatment of adults and children
Author:Karimova Guzel Marsovna, Iskhakov D. R., Usakova Nina Andreevna
- Category:Medical Books
- Category:Alternative medicine & Homeopathy
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
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