
Pilgrim"s Journey to the Heavenly Country

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Author:Беньян Дж.
Category:Children's BookFictionModern LiteratureAgriculturePoetry & Literature
Dimensions: 170x25x240cm

The novel of the classic of English religious literature of the preacher John Benjan (1628–1688), a large allegory about the search for a man of God, is published in the translation of Yu. D. Z. - Yulia Denisovna Zasetskaya (1835–1882), the famous Russian Protestant, daughter of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Denis Davydov. The text decorates 101 drawings of artists Frederick Barnard (1846–1896), Sir James Dromgowe Linton (1840–1916), William Smolla (1843–1931) and others, wood engraving of the London company Brothers Dalzil. John Benyan (1628–1688888888888888 ) - a classic of English religious literature, a Protestant preacher, now revered by the churches of the Anglican community, the author of about sixty works, many of which are extended sermons. His most famous work is a big novel by a man of God “Pilgrim from this world to the coming” (The Pilgrim"s Progress from this world is to come), traditionally called “Pilgrim’s journey to a heavenly country . The novel was first published in 1678 (first part) and in 1688 (second part), already during the life of the author, the first part withstood eleven reprints with a total circulation of more than a hundred thousand copies. Since then, the popularity of the novel has not weakened: this is one of the most widely known allegories ever written, the text has been translated into many languages, Protestant missionaries often translated this book as the second after the Bible. Roman Benjan has had a noticeable impact on the development of not only religious, but and secular literature, references to it can be found in the works of Charles Dickens, William Tekkeerey, Mark Twain, Louise May Olcott, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov and many other authors. The first translation of Pilgrim"s journey into Russian appeared in the press in 1878 The year in the publishing house of N. I. Novikov, however, he was very cut and also made not from the English original, but from the German translation. In 1835, A. S. Pushkin created the poem “Wanderer”, which is a rhymed presentation of the first chapter of the novel, since then this poem has been traditionally used before the main text in Russian editions of allegory. In this book, the novel is published in the translation of Yu. D. Z. - This is the pseudonym of Julia Denisovna Zasetskaya (1835–1882), the famous Russian Protestant, daughter of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Denis Davydov. This is the first complete translation of Benjan’s allegory into Russian, made with great care and attention to the text of the original, moreover, equipped with the author’s biography
Author:Беньян Дж.
  • Category:Children's Book
  • Category:Fiction
  • Category:Modern Literature
  • Category:Agriculture
  • Category:Poetry & Literature
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:16+

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