Venolad Bio Cream with Ivy, 50 ml

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Category:Skin Care

“Venoma” with willow - micellar biocre on the basis of natural natural oils, micelles of juice and concentrates of medicinal plants, eco -outlets of natural components in the native concentrate of the Belaya willow bark, specially designed to eliminate the pain symptom of veins of the lower extremities, swelling and preventing venous stagnation as a result lack of active muscle contractions during the day characteristic of people working standing or in a sitting position.
The native complex of biocremes contains concentrates of biologically active substances of medicinal plants and natural components in their natural maximum form, which has intense penetrating activity through skin and fabric barriers and bioavailability.

Micellar biocre Venolad with willow is recommended:
With pain in the veins,
With increased vertical load on the legs,
in the absence of active muscle contractions during the day,
At the first signs of violation of the current of venous blood,
with swelling,
When forming vascular nets,
In case of violation of the functions of the valve apparatus of the veins,
In case of violation of the functions of the circulatory system,
with vein thrombosis,
During pregnancy,
When wearing severity,
With a feeling of severity in the legs, increased fatigue,
with cramps of the calf muscles,
In case of violation of the tone of muscle fibers and connective tissue,
In case of violation of the tone of the venous wall, capillary blood circulation,
With venous, stagnation to prevent venous insufficiency of veins of the lower extremities and violation of the skin of the skin.

Venolad micellar cream is recommended for the prevention of chronic venous insufficiency, venous eczema, lipermatosclerosis, during pregnancy for the prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities, and athletes. It is possible to use in childhood to prevent defects of the venous wall and impaired functions and the state of the venous valve, the tone of muscle fibers and connective tissue.

Native mycelory cream does not contain medicinal, synthetic substances and preservatives, has a multilateral restoration and strengthening effect on the functions and condition of surface veins, adjacent muscle tissue, internal and external layers of the skin, contributes to: contributes to:

eliminating the pain of the veins of the lower extremities,
eliminating the swelling of the legs,
Eliminate night seizures,
Prevention of violation of the elasticity of the venous wall as a result of a static load on the legs and the absence of active muscle contractions,
The prevention of the formation of a vascular mesh on the legs,
normalization of venous outflow, elimination of venous stagnation,
Prevention of impaired elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the legs,
elimination of hyperpigmentation,
to eliminate inflamed areas,
prevention of violations of the valve apparatus of veins and venous insufficiency,
to eliminate external aesthetic defects of the skin - venous and vascular nets.
The native complex of biocremes has a wide range of additional dermatological, aesthetic, restorative, tonic, anti -inflammatory, antifungal, anti -infectious and regulatory effects on the functions and condition of the upper layer of the skin epidermis, the internal layers of the skin, adjacent muscle and connective tissue, the circulation system caused the action of medicinal plants contributes to:
to eliminate fungal infection,
to eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin,
Strengthening the tone of the venous wall, capillaries and blood vessels,
Improving the metabolic processes of the external and internal layers of the skin, eliminating wrinkles, increasing the elasticity of the skin,
an increase in the content of collagen of the 1st type that prevents the skin photography,
an increase in the formation of collagen of the 3rd type, responsible for the elasticity of the skin,
strengthening the connections of elastic fibers, ensuring the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, blood vessels, capillaries, muscles and tendons,
Hemat elimination,
Improving skin color,
normalizing the work of sebaceous glands,
The normalization of the synthesis of hormones in the hypoderm and the prevention of age -related skin elasticity.

During the testing of the Venolad micellar biocrem with the willow among women and men aged 25 to 55 years with symptoms of pain in the lower extremities, 90% of women noted the elimination of pain and swelling at the end of the day, 80% of women noted the elimination of the first Signs of vascular mesh, 90% of men noted the elimination of pain and swelling. 100% of the tested men and women noted the lack of tired legs by the end of the day.

Composition: Native concentrate of the Belea willow, native oil from the bark of Belaya, native propolis, cedar native life, native oil of flowers and St. John"s Wort, bee wax, allantoin, lecithin, amaranth seeds, native St. John"s wort concentrate, native Lycopodium concentrate, chestnut concentrate, native concentrate of clover flowers, native concentrate of nettle grass, dioscorea concentrate, native concentrate of mulberry leaves, blueberry fruits, altai marala panta hydrolyte, native concentrate of the core of Siberian mounds, native concentrate Native concentrate of Donnik"s grass, native concentrate of horsetail grass, native concentrate of hawthorn fruits, native plasters concentrate, Galleria mellonella extract, bee -hood scrusals, bobbins of hoods, grass hiking, ginkgo bialobic leaves, and native concentrate of the Melisa Melisa, and native concentrate of the injury of melisais of drugs. Aloe, those guan yin leaf In the hood, the grape bone of the hood, the hackers of the creeping rhizomes, the lemongomes of the hood, the garlic hood, the sea buckthorn concentrate, the hemp oil, the fir oil, the mummy, the beaver fat, the birch gap, the essential oil of the eucalyptus, the stone oil, the vitamin C, the birch juice
  • Category:Skin Care
Dimensions:XX cm

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