Pharmacos Dead Sea. Daytime Cream 55+ "Absolution Lifting Absolute Lifting" D/Face and Neck SPF 15. 50ML

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Category:Skin Care
Dimensions: 50x35x135cm

It has a visible lifting effect
Nourishes Intense, Restores Mineral Balance in Cells
Envals the Microrelief of the Skin, Corrects The Oval of the Face
Rejuvenation Program
An Intensive CreamLa with A Rich Complex of Ingredents Specially Selected for Physiological Needes of Mature Skin, Provides Absolute Lifting, Minimizes Signes TERNAL and EXTERNAL AGING OF THE SKIN, SIGNICICANTLY IMPROVES The Quality and Appe herance of the Skin.
Healing Elixir of 20 Dead Sea Minerals Actively Saturates the Cells with the Necessary Substances, Stimulates Self -healing Processes, Helps Maintin aealty LeeVel of Moistu Re, and Fights with Skin Wither.
Omega-Peptide Anti-Age Complex Has a noticeable Anti-Auging Effect on the Skin: Pulls and Smoothes, Reduces the Severity of Wrinkles, Brightens Pigment S Pots, Levels The Complexion, Increases The Density, Elasticity and Elasticity Of the skin.
a Unique 3D Express-Lifting Complex Instantly Transforms The Skin: It Forms a Structural Mesh on the Surface of the Skin, Which, Like an Invisible Corset, Beautifulifulifuliflifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifulifull Ly Outlines and Supports a Clear Contour of the Face, Smooths Wrinkles, Gives Expression to Expression.
The Technology of Blurred Focus Effectively Masks The Age -related Imperfections of the Skin, Making It Delicate and Even, Giving Healthy Glow.
Effective UV Filters Protect the Skin from the Negative Impact of Radiation, Protecting from Photoaging.
Hyaluronic acid is a Highly Active Humidifier. Restores Moisture Balance in the Skin, Fills Age and Facial Wrinkles, Minimizing Their Amount, Gives Smoothness and Elasticity.
Polysaccharides of the Root of Qicoria Form an Invisible Net on the Skin, Which Instantly Pulls Up and Smooths The Skin, Washing Tracess OF AGE.
MATRIXYL 3000* Duopeptide (Bipeptide) Complex containes the Smallest Liposomes that Provide Faster and Deeper Penetration Into the Skin Cells of Active Components Encloseded in them. Due to the Fact That Their Structure Is Similar to the Structure of Cell Membranes, Liposomes Are Completely Merged with Skin Cells, Providing a Complex Anti -aging Effect. The Synthesis of Collagen and Elastin is Activated, The Structure of the Skin Imprings, Wrinkles are notCeably Smoothed (by 45%* - According to the Results of Results French Company Sederma) The Skin Looks Younger and More Beautiful.
Omega 3-6-9 Acids Intensivel Work in Several Direction at Once: Rejuvenation, Moisturizing, Reducing Irritation and Peeling, Improving the Appleance of Th. E Skin.
Glyceerin Has the Ability to Attract Moisture from the Air, TheFore Its An Effective Moisturizer. Its Softns, Prevents The Appension of Irritation and InflamMation on the Skin.
Special BIOSACCHARIDE (BIOSACCHARIDE GUM) Forms a Weightless Breathing Veil On the Surface of the Skin, Which Protects the Skin From Negative Environment Influnental? ES and Protects from Dehydration.
Shi Oil Has High Bioactivity, Which Intensively Saturates The Skin with Valuable Components, Softns, Gives Tenderness and Silkines, Levels The Color of the Skin.
Effective UV Filters Protect the Skin from the Negative Impact of Radiation, Protecting from Photoaging.
Result: Moisturized, Fit and Smooth, The Skin Looks More Young, Fresh and Gently Shining Througout the Day.
Application: Evenly Apply the Cream in the Morning On Clean, Dry Skin and Neck with Light Patheetic Movements. The Cream CanD as Basis for Makeup.
Composition: water, cetearil alcohol, polysorbate-60, PAG-100 stearate, cetearet-25, ethylhexilianonoat, ethylhexilmetoxycinnamate, dipapaprililcarbonate, glycerin, hyaluronate of sodium, fluentenylmetotoxidybenzoilmetan, olea europaa fruits (oliva), oliva) Cichorium Intybus (chicory), gum Caesalpinia spinosa (Caesalpinia), glucoolactone, butyroospermum parki (shi), hydrolyzed manihot esculenta tuber extract, carbomerbomer, polysorbas-20, palmitoillygopepepepepepepepepepepraterate, pallet TOILTETRAPEPTID-7, BIOSAHARIDA-1 gum, dimetikon crosspolim /винилдиметикона, диоксид кремния, бутиленгликоль, соль Мёртвого моря, изопропилмиристат, масло зародышей Triticum vulgare (пшеницы), токоферилацетат, БГТ, сополимер акрилоилдиметилтаурата аммония и винилпирролидона, феноксиэтанол, метилпарабен, этилпарабен, пропилпарабен, сорбитол, лецитин, масло Zea Mays (кукурузы) , Xantan Gum, Rosa Moschata Seed Oil (Musky Rose), Helianthus annus seed Oil (Sunflower), Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaves (Rosemary), Perfume Composition, 2-Brom-2-Nitropanopan-1 3- $
  • Category:Skin Care
Dimensions:13.5x5x3.5 cm
Application time:
Application time:Day
Series: Pharmacos Dead SEA
Application zone:
Product type:
Product type: Cream

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