Paper weaving. "Vase with Flowers. Fruits" (2874)

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Category:Kids toys & Table games

Dear adults!
Weaving is a traditional type of creativity and one of the favorite classes of children. The technique of paper weaving does not require complex skills, and everyone can learn to learn it. Everything that is needed for weaving is already in the set: you do not need to cut the strips or make slots in the picture. Just take the colored paper strips through the holes in the workpiece, and the picture is ready!
Take one of the preparations
and the corresponding paper strips. Gently separate the strips from each other.
Take one strip and stretch it through the slots, alternating position: from above - from above - from below. The ends of the strip should be on the wrong side.
If two strips are located nearby
And pass through the general slots, then stretch the second strip in the reverse order: where the first strip was from above, the second should be from below, and vice versa.
Finish the drawing, focusing on the picture-image.
2 Pictures-pounds with slots
Multi -colored paper strips
Shiny paper strips.
Material: cardboard, paper, holographic film.
For children from 4 years old
  • Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions:25x20x0 cm
Series: Application. Paper weaving

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