Mini-games. Contrasts (1147)

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Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions: 120x40x200cm

Game for children 4-6 years old
Dear adults!
The game gives an idea of ​​the words opposite in meaning, expands the horizons and increases the vocabulary, teaches to navigate in space, forms logical skills, fine motor skills. Figure puzzle "locks" will help the child independently check the correctness of his answers.
The game is held by an adult host with 1-4 children. Do not forget to praise the child if he was right selected cards. Help if there are difficulties. The duration of the game depends on the interest and perseverance of the child (5-15 minutes).
Description of cards
On the cards with a yellow frame, the opposite qualities of objects are depicted: hot - cold, edible - inedible, white - black, fast - slow.
On the cards with a pink frame, opposite actions are depicted: to freeze - to heat up, to greet - to say goodbye, to look - hide, pull - push, break - repair.
On the cards with a green frame, the position of objects relative to each other is shown: on the right - on the left, front - back, on - under, inside - outside.
On the cards with a blue frame, the opposite seasons and days are depicted: winter - summer, day - night.
Put the cards with the image up. Take two cards that form a pair, for example, with a bear and a panther. What is the difference? (Bear is white, black panther)
Material: paper, cardboard.
Made in Russia
  • Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions:20x12x4 cm
Series: mini-games

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