Lotto/geometry on a rope

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Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions: 180x42x260cm

If the adults decided to load the child from the diapers to everyone that distracts him from useless toys, noisy running around, pranks and whims, you can’t do anything here! And our babies are trained to literacy, consider it in pairs and dozens, for hours they take hooks and circles in workbooks called “Happy Child” ... Of course, difficulties must be prepared in advance. For example, the kids have a difficult task: to study geometric shapes. The topic is serious and the ways of studying them is the sea! We took this difficulty and beautifully painted it! Yes, and the difficult figures were strung on the rope so that they would not be confused in the process of study .. And in each figure - look! - There is another, just as beautiful. Or two different. Or maybe even a flower or snowflake. You need to be very careful to find the same ... for older players and the task more complicated: find your figures according to the scheme - not according to the color option. When all the figures were found, we turn a large card and check the result. And do not forget about the rope! There is more than one topic on it in our game: we study geometric shapes, repeat the colors, connect the parts into one, get acquainted with the spatial location ... and we do it all very beautifully! You will be surprised what a large game potential in our manuals - each game has several tasks, multifaceted, with varying degrees of complexity. But your child will not get tired of playing, because he will be interested!
  • Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions:26x18x4.2 cm
Series: Logical and Mathematical Games

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