Developing flashcards for babies. Sound imitation (with photographs)

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Category:Kids toys & Table games
Dimensions: 160x38x110cm

Dear parents!
In front of you are training cards for classes with a small child. They will help you in the development of his speech and imagination. Since the first sounds that the baby hear is the voices of people and animals, the sounds of the world surrounding him (for example, a clock fight or the noise of dripping water), we placed bright photos of animals and birds on one side of the cards, and attractive photos of various photos things, objects and people. Words like “Ma-Ma”, “BB”, “Gav-Gav”, “Myu-Muu”, ​​“Tick-Tak”, “Ga-Ga-Ga”, “Cap-Cap”, “Tuk-Tuk , Din-Don and other onomatopoeia are usually the first words of the baby and contribute to the development of speech.
You need to start classes with the child when he rested and is ready for active communication. Invite the baby to repeat different sounds for you, tell him what is depicted on the cards. For the safety of the child, the cards are made of dense cardboard with rounded corners.
In the set: 32 cards.
Size: 105x148 mm
  • Category:Kids toys & Table games
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:0+

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