Returns and Exchanges

Policy on Returns and Exchanges

1To cancel your purchase order, go to the Orders section > select a specific order by clicking on the order number > and then click "return request" button. If you do not see active "Return Request" button, please click on the "Start a communication button" and send a message requesting a return.
2After your request is approved by the Seller you will receive a return instruction and a withdrawal form of order cancellation to the email that is indicated in your personal account on
3Please complete the form and send to or a Seller email if provided in the instruction. Ensure that all items are packed in their original packaging. If you purchased items as a set, please return them as a complete set.
4Please attach a copy of the sales receipt. The refund will be processed using the same payment method that the customer used for the initial purchase.
5Send the package to the address indicated by the Seller in the instruction.
6After you have sent the parcel, please inform us of that by sending an email to Include the date of shipment and the tracking number of the package

Cancellation policy

You have a right to cancel your order and withdraw from the contract within 14 days after the order was received without giving any specific reason by sending the goods back to the Seller. Seller will refund all payments received.

In any case, the refund will be made through the same means used by the Customer to make the initial payment.

The costs of returning the goods, in the context of the exercise of the consumer's right of withdrawal, will be borne by the consumer himself/herself.

To cancel the order, you must click “Request a return” button of the order confirmation page in your personal account in

After your request is approved by the Seller you will receive a return instruction and a withdrawal form of order cancellation to the email that indicated in your personal account on You must fill the form and send it to email or directly to the contact of the Seller provided in the return instruction.

In case of order cancellation, all goods and rendered services must be returned in full or the benefits received from them (for example, interest) must be paid in full, within 14 days of giving notice of withdrawal. If you are unable to return the goods provided to Seller in whole or in part, or you can only return them in a deteriorated condition, you must reimburse to the Seller the cost of the goods. However, you can avoid liability for reimbursement by handling the goods properly to avoid damage, using the goods as other than your own and not taking any action with them that leads to damage to the goods.

You are obliged to pay all costs for returning the goods. Reimbursement obligations must be met within 30 days. This period is calculated on your part from the moment of sending your request of refusal or the goods themselves, on our part - from the moment they are received.

Returned goods must be sent via DHL.

Return of the Goods with inadequate quality.

A product of inadequate quality means a product that is defective and cannot ensure the performance of its functional qualities. The received Goods must correspond to the description on the Platform. The difference in design elements or design from the description stated on the Platform is not a sign of inadequate quality.
Goods of inadequate quality include goods with an exceed expiration date and broken packaging.

If defects are found in the Goods, and in case they have not been specified by the seller, the customer has the right to, at his option:
  • Demand a replacement for a product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article).
  • Demand a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price.
  • Demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.
  • Refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods.
  • Notwithstanding the previous points, where possible, you may choose to ask for the repair of the defective good.

The customer shall not be entitled to have the contract terminated if the seller has proved that the lack of conformity is minor.
If the consumer detects defects in the Goods and submits a demand for its replacement or repair, the seller is obliged to replace or repair such goods within thirty days from the date of presentation of the specified requirement by the customer. Where the nature and complexity of the goods, the seriousness of the lack of conformity and the effort required to complete the repair or replacement require a longer period, we will let you know the expected period for the repair or replacement.
If the seller does not have the goods necessary for replacement or repair at the time of the presentation of the demand, the replacement or repair must be carried out within a reasonable time from the date of presentation of such a demand.
Nevertheless, the seller may refuse to bring the goods into conformity where repair or replacement is impossible or would impose costs which would be disproportionate, taking into account all the circumstances, including the value the goods would have if there were no lack of conformity and the significance of the lack of conformity.